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Youth Secret《回春丹》

RM 2,000.00

Youth Secret《回春丹》

“美是由內而外”的,以重在 “調理內因、陰陽平衡”的中醫美容正好迎合這一需求。由陸醫師以上等中藥配製的”回春丹“能由內調理身體,提高機體免疫能力。內部問題解決了,人的肌膚才會細膩紅潤,看起來彷彿恢復青春般年輕好看。


上等材料成分: 天山雪蓮,西藏蟲草,黃精,黃芪,白朮,白芍


1瓶1000粒  (4个月分量)

Traditionally used for anti-aging.

Dosage : 4 tablets twice daily, after meal

1000 tablets / bottle

1 bottle for 4 months consumption

The products are not intended to diagnose, treat and cure cancer.

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