• 在网站购买满RM1500,可以免费获得小瓶装赠品【抗菌药粉】、【消脂丸】、【金凤贵女丹】、【上清养肺丸】、【汉方淡斑水】,任选一个,一个订单只送一个,只送不卖,数量有限,先到先得!
  • With a minimum purchase of RM1500 storewide, you can get a small bottle of【Anti-inflammation Powder】 、【Xiao Zhi Wan】 、【Jin Feng Gui Nu Dan】【Shang Qing Yang Fei Wan】、【Lumi Solution】as a gift. One gift only per order. While stocks last.
Promo MAR 2025 8-bottle

【Promo Set】8x Proganic/ Proliganic/ Feng Xiang Dan

RM 2,600.00

Proganic 保肝寧

適合肝炎,肝病,肝硬化,保肝解酒,緩解肝火熱氣症狀, 美颜袪斑,全效合一 


吃法 (疗效):每次4粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 

吃法 (保健):每次2粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 


Liver Diseases, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Liver Protection, Liver Detoxification, Heatiness, Immune System Improvement, Skin Pigmentation Improvement, All-In-One

Ingredients: Herba Artemisia Scoparia Extract, Ganoderma Japonicum Extract, Radix Gentiana Scabra Extract, Radix Scutellaria Baicalensis Extract, Cortex Phellodendron Chinese Extract

Dosage: 4 capsules twice daily, after meal (Adjuvant Treatment)

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily, after meal  (Protection)

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

Proliganic 利脂寧

適合脂肪肝, 高膽固醇, 高三酸甘油酯  & 過胖患者




Fatty Liver, High Cholesterol, High Triglyceride & Obesity

Ingredients: Poria Cocos, Ganoderma Japonicum, Radix Paeonia Lactiflora, Rhizoma Atractylodes Macrocephala, Cordyceps Sinensis

Dosage: 4 capsules twice daily, after meal

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

Feng Xiang Dan《凤翔丹》


上等材料成分: 天山雪蓮, 益母草, 桃仁, 澤蘭, 丹參

吃法 (疗效):每次3粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 (經期停止服用)

吃法 (保健):每次2粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 (經期停止服用)


Feng Xiang Dan is traditionally used for Women's Health. Its balanced formulation makes it a suitable alternative to Ba Zhen Soup and Bai Feng Pill, especially for women with heaty bodies. Not recommended for pregnant women.

Ingredients: Flos Saussurea involucrata, Caulis and Folium Leonurus Japonicus,

Semen Prunus Persica, Caulis and Folium Eupatorium Fortunei, Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza

Dosage: 3 capsules twice daily, after meal (Adjuvant Treatment)

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily, after meal  (Protection)

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

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